PRoposal Materials
Print Design // Created for Steelcase
Objective: Design a system of proposal materials in response to a potential Steelcase customer, who was relocating their corporate headquarters and hoping to create a major cultural change within their company.
Audience: Top decision-makers at a potential Steelcase customer.
Solution: This company was relocating its headquarters from an out-of-date office in the suburbs to a newly constructed building in the center of a major city. In addition to physically transforming their office, they wanted to significantly transform their culture into a more flexible and innovative workplace, in order to attract younger generations. Since culture change is Steelcase’s bread and butter, our project team wanted to make sure the design and content of our responses reflected that.
Our team wanted these responses to have a magazine-like, editorial feel, as opposed to feeling like typical business documents. The project consisted of three phases, so I maintained consistency throughout the three deliverables by using similar layouts and typographic styles, and by including plenty of casual, residential-style photography wherever possible.
The first response, the Request for Qualifications, only consisted of a few open-ended questions, so we responded to those in an “interview the expert” Q&A style, while also incorporating many visuals and thought starters.
The second document, the Request for Proposal, was far more text-heavy, so we switched to spiral binding to accommodate the extra pages, but maintained consistency by using the same editorial-style grid for the document.
The third piece was a booklet created for the furniture mockup: a chance for the Steelcase team to build out examples of each product solution for the client to examine. This booklet was given to each visitor as they entered the mockup space, with detailed product callouts specific to each worksetting.
The booklet also functioned as an example of a move-in booklet: something Steelcase can provide to a customer moving into a new, Steelcase-furnished space. The second half of the booklet served an example of the kinds of information we can provide the employees, such as office protocols for their new space and a facilities who-to-call list.